
The Breast Augmentation Process & How Long It Takes

Breast augmentation, an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure, offers a transformative journey for many. At Legacy Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics in Exton, PA, we specialize in providing personalized and high-quality breast augmentation services. Here, we aim to demystify the process and timeline of breast augmentation, equipping you with essential knowledge to make an informed decision.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. It can be achieved through breast augmentation surgery, which typically involves the use of implants, or through fat transfer breast augmentation, where fat from other parts of the body is used to augment the breasts.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Augmentation?

Restoration of Volume and Shape

Breast augmentation helps restore the volume and shape lost due to factors like aging, pregnancy, or significant weight changes. This restoration helps achieve a more youthful and fuller appearance of the breasts, which can be significantly impactful, especially after life events that alter the body’s natural contours.

Improved Proportion and Symmetry

Many women opt for breast augmentation to correct asymmetry or disproportions in their bodies. By customizing the size and shape of the implants, a more balanced and proportionate figure can be achieved, enhancing the overall body silhouette.

Expanded Clothing Options

Women often find that clothes fit better post-surgery with a new and improved bust line. This benefit allows for a broader range of clothing styles and options, making shopping a more enjoyable and satisfying experience.

Reconstruction After Mastectomy

For women who have undergone mastectomy, breast augmentation serves as a reconstructive technique to restore the breast’s appearance. This aspect of breast augmentation plays a crucial role in the healing and recovery process after breast cancer treatments.

Correction of Congenital Breast Issues

Some women may have congenital breast malformations that can be effectively corrected through breast augmentation. This correction enhances the physical appearance and addresses any related physical discomfort or limitations.

The Breast Augmentation Process: What to Expect


Prior to any breast augmentation procedure, a comprehensive consultation is a critical first step. During this consultation, we have a detailed dialogue with each patient to understand their unique needs and aesthetic aspirations. This process includes:

  • In-Depth Discussions: We discuss your personal goals for breast augmentation, ensuring we align our approach with your expectations.
  • Medical History Review: A thorough review of your medical history is conducted to ensure the procedure’s safety and suitability. We discuss any previous surgeries, current medications, and general health conditions.
  • Physical Examination: A physical assessment of your breast tissue, skin quality, and overall body structure helps us determine the most appropriate technique and implant type for your body.
  • Educational Overview: We provide detailed information about the available options in breast implants and the differences between fat transfer and implant-based augmentation.

Procedure Day

On the day of your breast augmentation surgery, you will be under the care of an experienced surgical team. The procedure typically unfolds as follows:

  • Preparation: Upon arrival, you’ll be prepped for surgery, which includes administering anesthesia for your comfort during the procedure.
  • The Surgery: The surgery involves creating a pocket for the implant, placing the implant, and ensuring symmetry and aesthetics. The duration of a breast augmentation procedure varies but typically takes between one and three hours.
  • Immediate Post-Operative Care: After the procedure, you’ll be moved to a recovery area where our team closely monitors your initial recovery. Once stable, you’ll receive post-operative instructions and can typically return home the same day.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery following breast augmentation is a vital phase where your body heals and adjusts to the implants. The typical recovery timeline and care instructions include:

  • Initial Recovery: Most patients can return to work within a week, though this varies depending on the individual and the nature of their work.
  • Care Instructions: We’ll provide detailed guidelines on caring for the surgical site, managing discomfort, and recognizing signs of any potential complications.
  • Timeline for Activities: Gradual resumption of activities is recommended. Light activities can usually be resumed within a few days, while strenuous exercises should be avoided for at least a month.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor your progress and ensure optimal healing.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help individuals achieve a fuller, more shapely bust. However, not everyone is a candidate for this type of surgery. To qualify for breast augmentation, it’s essential to be in good physical health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes. Non-smokers or those willing to quit smoking for some time are preferred, as smoking can affect healing.

Moreover, candidates must have fully developed breasts, ensuring that the procedure does not interfere with breast development. At Legacy Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, we carefully consider breast health history, overall health, and reasons for seeking breast augmentation during the consultation. We strive to provide each patient with personalized advice and care that will help them achieve the best possible results with their breast implants.

Explore the Transformative Journey of Breast Augmentation in Exton, PA

At Legacy Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics in Exton, PA, we understand that the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. While it is generally a safe procedure, understanding the process and knowing what to expect is essential, and we pride ourselves on offering expert guidance and support every step of the way. If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, reach out to us to schedule a consultation online or by phone at (610) 524-8244


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