JUVÉDERM® in Exton, Pennsylvania

Today, we have many ways to address facial concerns like wrinkles and hollows. From non-invasive therapies to more intensive interventions, individuals have access to a broad spectrum of options for facial rejuvenation. JUVÉDERM is one of the best non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments available. This dermal filler efficiently reduces signs of aging by restoring volume and smoothing out the skin. 

At Legacy Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Exton, PA, we listen to you to find out what you want from your injections. Then, we craft a beautiful and natural-looking result that fits with your facial structure and desired aesthetics.


JUVÉDERM is a family of dermal fillers designed to rejuvenate and enhance facial features with subtlety and precision. These fillers work by gently adding volume beneath the skin, diminishing wrinkles and restoring facial contours. The composition of JUVÉDERM is primarily hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that aids in hydration and elasticity.

What Are the Benefits of JUVÉDERM?

Enhancing Facial Contours

JUVÉDERM filler can redefine the facial structure by enhancing areas such as the jawline and cheekbones, providing a more sculpted appearance. This treatment can be adjusted to the individual contours of each face for a balanced and proportionate outcome.

Smoothing Lines and Wrinkles

The application of JUVÉDERM can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. It fills in the areas where volume has been lost due to reduced collagen and fat pads and can result in a more youthful appearance. The treatment is ideal for targeting age-related creases such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

Adding Shape to Cheeks

With age, cheeks may lose their volume, leading to a sunken or flat appearance. JUVÉDERM can effectively counter this by restoring the original shape and volume of the cheeks. This not only rejuvenates the mid-face area but also enhances overall facial harmony.

Plumping and Defining Lips

JUVÉDERM dermal fillers are often used for lip enhancement and augmentation. JUVÉDERM lip fillers can add both volume and definition to the lips, creating a fuller, yet natural-looking pout. This treatment can also balance asymmetries and refine the shape of the lips according to each patient’s aesthetic goals.

Correcting Age-Related Volume Loss in Face

As we age, natural volume loss in the face can lead to a less youthful appearance. JUVÉDERM addresses this concern by replenishing lost volume, particularly in areas like the cheeks, temples, and around the mouth. This restoration helps recapture the fuller, softer facial contours associated with youth.

The JUVÉDERM Collection

  • JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC: Specifically designed for deep injection in the cheek area, this filler enhances cheek volume, providing a lift and adding definition to the midface region. It’s effective in creating a more contoured and youthful facial profile.
  • JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC: This filler is adept at softening facial lines and folds, particularly around the nose and mouth. Its smooth consistency allows for a natural feel and appearance, making it ideal for subtle yet noticeable facial enhancements.
  • JUVÉDERM® ULTRA PLUS XC: Known for its versatility, this product addresses multiple areas of the face. It’s particularly effective in reducing the depth of nasolabial folds and marionette lines, offering a smoother and refreshed facial appearance.
  • JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC: As a lip filler, this product stands out for enhancing the lips and the area around the mouth. It adds subtle volume to the lips and smooths the appearance of lines around the mouth.
  • JUVÉDERM ULTRA XC: This treatment is also tailored for lip augmentation. The JUVÉDERM lip filler excels at plumping the lips more dramatically and is ideal for those desiring a more pronounced and voluptuous lip appearance.
  • JUVÉDERM® VOLUX® XC: This robust filler is specifically formulated for the jawline and chin area. It enhances and defines these areas, providing a more structured and defined lower facial profile.

Before and After JUVÉDERM

Frequently Asked Questions About JUVÉDERM

How Does it Work?

JUVÉDERM works by introducing a hyaluronic acid substance under the skin through injections. This gel provides immediate volume and can also bind to water in the skin for a hydrated appearance.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for JUVÉDERM Treatments?

Most individuals who want to address signs of aging or boost the contours of certain areas are good candidates for  treatment. Ideal candidates are healthy adults who have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the treatment.

How Long Does JUVÉDERM Last?

The longevity of JUVÉDERM results can vary depending on the specific product used and the area treated. Generally, results can last from six months to two years. Factors such as individual metabolism, lifestyle, and the amount of product can change how long your results last.

What Is the Downtime After JUVÉDERM Filler?

One of the advantages of JUVÉDERM filler is the minimal downtime needed post-treatment. Most individuals can resume their normal activities right after the treatment. There may be some redness, swelling, or minor bruising at the injection sites, but this should go away quickly.

When Will I See My JUVÉDERM Results?

The results of your treatment are visible immediately after the treatment. However, it may take a few days or more for the product to settle and any swelling to subside, revealing the final outcome.

What Should I Expect From My JUVÉDERM Treatment?

During your JUVÉDERM treatment, you can expect a quick, in-office treatment that usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the length of your consultation and the areas treated. The injections themselves only take a few minutes. There may be mild discomfort during the injection, which is often mitigated with a numbing agent. You’ll receive specific aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible results.

Learn More About JUVÉDERM Injections in Exton, PA

JUVÉDERM offers a range of benefits, from enhancing facial contours to smoothing lines and adding volume, providing a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. At Legacy Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Exton, PA, we love bringing these benefits to our patients and have a focus on natural-looking and individualized results. To explore how JUVÉDERM can rejuvenate your look, contact us through our online form or call us at (610) 524-8244 for more information.